Our Massage Therapists

  • Amanda, massage therapist at Sensibilities

    Amanda C.

    Experience: 14 years

    Training: Center for Massage and Natural Health

    Specialties: Fascial work, Neuromuscular and Trigger Point Therapy especially skilled at releasing tension in neck, shoulders, and lower back

  • Angie, Sensibilities massage therapist

    Angie W.

    Experience: 10 + years

    Training: Massage Institute of Memphis

    Specialties: Massage for Migraines, Deep Tissue, Aromatherapy

  • Chris, massage therapist in Asheville spa

    Chris C.

    Experience: 20 + years

    Training: Soma Institute in Chicago

    Specialties: Relaxing Deep Tissue, Fascia Work

  • Christy, Asheville LMT

    Christy M.

    Training: Center for Massage and Natural Health

    100 Hour Esalen Certification

    Specialties: Therapeutic Massage

  • Christhian, Sensibilities LMT

    Cristhian M.

    Training: Center for Massage and Natural Health

    Specialties: Sports Massage, Deep Tissue, and Maternity Massage

  • Cora, Esalen massage therapy in Asheville

    Cora F.

    Training: Asheville School of Massage and Yoga

    Specialties: Esalen Influenced Deep Tissue, Passive Stretching for chronic tension

  • Danielle, neuromuscular massage in South Asheville

    Danielle L.

    Training: Center for Massage and Natural Health

    Specialties: Neuromuscular therapies with focus on lower back and hips, relaxing deep tissue

  • Freddie-Ann, massage therapist at Sensibilities Spa

    Freddie-Ann N.

    Training: Asheville School of Massage and Yoga

    Specialties: Neuromuscular Work with focus on lower back, hips, and foot reflexology. Deep Tissue

  • Jeremy, Thai massage specialist

    Jeremy R.

    Training: Center for Massage and Natural Health

    Specialties: Full Body Range of Motion Stretching, Thai Massage for Neck and Shoulders